Start them off young!

Published in May 2021.   The best way to get your kids into the habit of brushing their teeth two times a day is to start them off young. But when some adults have problems practicing ideal oral hygiene, how can we get kids into the proper habit...

High Fructose Leads to High Consequences

Published in April 2021.   What is High Fructose Corn Syrup? High fructose corn syrup or HFCS is a refined syrup, made from corn and used for both its sweetness and ability to extend the shelf life of food products. it is a staple in most foods ...

The “Right Way” to Brush Your Teeth

Published in January 2020. Mornings are busy. Sometimes it may feel like there isn’t enough time to take care of your oral health. In fact, most people don’t even reach the recommended two minutes of brushing, nevermind applying the proper te...

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