Should I delay my visit to the dentist?

Published in February 2021. We Haven’t Delayed A Visit to the Dentist and you Shouldn’t Either  We know that visiting Sandhurst Family Dental hasn’t exactly been everyone’s number one priority recently, but we’re starting to miss our patie...

On the tip of your tongue….

Published in January 2020. Seriously, the tongue? It’s an easy place to miss when brushing your teeth. Few people know about the dangers of the bacteria sitting on your tongue. It’s dark wet and warm, and also the most central space in the mo...

New Year, New Resolutions… but Better Teeth

Published in January 2020.   The new year is the best time to make resolutions, so this year we at Sandhurst family dental are challenging you with two resolutions we hope you’ll follow in the new year to get brighter and whiter teeth.  Denta...

The “Right Way” to Brush Your Teeth

Published in January 2020. Mornings are busy. Sometimes it may feel like there isn’t enough time to take care of your oral health. In fact, most people don’t even reach the recommended two minutes of brushing, nevermind applying the proper te...

Stains that Stay

Published in October 2019. Beauty standards are pretty unrealistic, even when it comes to our smiles. The classic trope of “pearly white” teeth is not always compatible with our hectic lifestyles. A stained smile will have you questioning...

A Glossary of Common Dental Terms and More

Published in August 2019. We’re all guilty of nodding along to conversations with our dentist. They’re using fancy dentist terms and even if we have no clue about what they mean, we nod anyway. Maybe you don’t want to bother them by asking ...